The Anatomy of Knowledge & the Ontological Necessity of First Principles

This paper in the series explores one of the first principles of metaphysics, the principle of identity in its logical form, namely, the principle of non-contradiction, and the relationship between its metaphysical and logical dimensions. It is invariably the task of revelation to provide definable and recognizable references that can be brought into human understanding. …

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Being ‘Good’: An Ontological View of Ethics

This paper frames ‘ethics’ as a science of the soul. By focusing on the role of an integral metaphysics within the ambit of the classification of sciences, it seeks to both determine the parameters of ethics and also underline the relationship between modes of being and modes of action. PDF: Arabic • English

Metaphysics & Sociology

A lecture addressing the myth of metaphysical neutrality in sociology and some of the rationale behind the dismissal of metaphysical categories in the social sciences. The piece concludes by asserting some normative elements of the Islamic social order and their raison d’être and how they reflect the unity of the Islamic sciences. PDF: Arabic • …

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Muhammad Shahrur’s “Cargo Cult”: A meditation on his underlying conceptual framework

The purpose of this paper is to present an integral critique that explores the underlying conceptual structure of the work of Muhammad Shahrur. It is the author’s contention that every thinker and writer is an inheritor of a chain of ideas or an intellectual system that he necessarily manifests in his writings, consciously or unconsciously. …

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Intellectual Formation as a Conduit to the Spiritual Dimension of Man

The purpose of this Tabah Research seminar held at St Cross College, Oxford, was to explore the relationship between spiritual knowledge and the philosophical sciences by way of Dr Taha Abderrahman’s experiences in both disciplines. In his understanding of the philosophical quest and its attendant activities are proposed as essentially a force for inter-cultural and …

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Points Relevant to Muslim – Catholic Dialogue

A summary of the main points gleaned from a research project commissioned by Tabah Foundation to examine the position of the Catholic Church in relation to Islam since Vatican II, and the underlying philosophical stances adopted with regard to dialogue with non-Christian faiths. The memorandum provides an outline of the Church’s doctrinal platform for Muslims …

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